Anthropocene: Student Works

Art of the Anthropocene is a vision for, and a vision of climate change. Not everyone can see, hear, feel, or detect climate change in their lives, the lives of their neighbors, or those who are currently experiencing it around the globe. This collection of prose, poems, paintings, songs, music, graphics, odes, and photographs helps the viewer, reader, listener, engage with climate change. They seek to move the audience from a casual observer of climate change to active participant. These works are the artists earnest response and reaction to climate change. Taken together they are a micro-utopia. A place where people come together in collective effort for the good of others. A place where neighbors fill sandbags for neighbors and deliver food door to door. It’s a place of empowerment and autonomy. In this sense, Art of the Anthropocene is a vision of collective action for climate change.

Ted. N. Martinez, Associate Teaching Professor, Honors College, NAU

Click the link below to view the original art by NAU Honors students enrolled in HON-393 Hot Mess